Engaging with Communications

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In this section you can find out more about various public engagement projects that we have undertaken. Detailed information about each project can be obtained by clicking on the title of the relevant project.

Picture of former BT building on New York Street in Manchester

Recording Manchester’s recent telecommunications heritage

This oral history project is attempting to map how telecommunications has shaped Manchester through an examination of the buildings that were used - or are being used - by the telecommunications industry within the city. Many important achievements were made in buildings that no longer show any signs of their telecommunications past. We want to caputure this heritage before it is lost and hear from people who experienced working in these buildings. If you work or worked for a telecommunications company in Manchester and would like to help please follow the above link and get in touch.

Strowger demonstration unit

The Salford Strowger Project

The Salford Strowger Project has developed a fully working example of an electro-mechanical telephone exchange that uses technology developed by Almon B Strowger. The Strowger selector was the mainstay of UK telephone exchanges from 1912 until the 1980s.

mi-Guide handset and scan logo


mi-Guide is an interactive multimedia hand-held visitor guide developed for use within the Connecting Manchester communications gallery at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.