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FITCE Congress 2018

57th FITCE Congress, UK 2018

Delivery and Consumption of Digital Media

6-7 September 2018, MediaCityUK, Salford

2nd  C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

The 57th FITCE Congress is organised by the University of Salford, UK and will take place at MediaCityUK which is an international hub for technology, innovation and creativity, being home to over 250 media and digital businesses, including the BBC.

We have been encouraged by the response to our first call for papers but there are some presentation slots still available within the Congress schedule and so we are issuing this second call. The Congress provides an ideal opportunity for organisations and individuals to present the latest developments in applications, services, architectures and fundamental research.

The focus for this year’s congress is the “Delivery and Consumption of Digital Media” in recognition of the fact that media streaming is transforming both the telecommunications and broadcasting industries. Providers of online video streaming services are reporting significant growth in the number of subscribers to their services and are investing billions of dollars in the creation of new and original content. Meanwhile, both fixed and mobile operators are reporting significant growth in the data volumes on their networks associated with both live and catch-up streamed video content. More information about the venue, technical and social programmes is available from this website.

The Congress will therefore address this important trend and examine the impact and challenges arising for both the telecommunications and broadcasting industries by the consumption of digital media and its conveyance over fixed and mobile communication networks. Contributions are therefore sought which cover one of the following themes:

Theme Description
5G - a game changer for digital media? The first 5G standard has been published and services are expected to go live in 2020. So, what will 5G offer for the delivery of digital media and how will it drive consumption?
Future of media distribution With an increasing usage and demand for online catch-up and OTT services as a primary means of distribution coupled to a move to all IP work flows, is the future all OTT?
Enhancing the viewer experience How will the viewer experience continue to be influenced by the move to ever higher image definition (4K and beyond), the introduction of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality? What are the societal impacts of these new paradigms and their legal and regulatory implications?
Social Media, where next? Social media already exerts a significant influence but what is the future potential for business, news media, user generated content, data mining and big data? What are the ongoing societal impacts?
Next Generation Networks Media consumption dominates both fixed and mobile network usage. A move to more flexible network architectures is therefore essential and so industry needs to embrace Fibre to the Home, Software Defined Networks and Network Functions Virtualisation.
Developing the user interface Can smartphones continue to evolve, can TV screens get any bigger, is the smart watch a paradigm shift? How will users interact with media in the future and what does this mean for the design of the next generation of user terminals and interfaces?

The format of the Congress comprises technical presentations, organised within themed sessions, and technical posters which are displayed within an exhibition space. Selected presentations will be chosen for development into a technical paper for subsequent publication within the Scopus-listed Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP), which is the UK national association for FITCE. All presentations will be recorded and made available as online videos after the Congress. Similarly, electronic versions of the posters will be made available online after the Congress.

Submissions are therefore sought for:

Submission Type Description
Technical Presentation An extended abstract of approximately 1,000 words which comprises the title of the presentation, details of the author and their affiliation, a summary of the core technical content of the presentation and a statement as to its relevance to one of the themes of the Congress.
Technical Poster A 500 word abstract which comprises the title of the work, the author and their affiliation, a brief overview of the contribution being reported upon.

The abstract for both a technical presentation and poster must be submitted by Friday 6th July 2018 as a Word or PDF file sent as an email attachment to: fitcecongress2018@salford.ac.uk.   Notification of acceptance will be given by Friday 27th July 2018. All successful authors are required to register for attendance at the Congress.

PDF Copy

Click this button to download a PDF copy of the Call for Papers: